Your Guide to Wellness

Have you been experiencing some nagging pain – maybe your back, neck, or a headache that won’t go away? 

Have you noted a negative relationship or a repeated conflict scenario with your spouse? Co-worker? Parent or child?

Do you find yourself editing or filtering what you say? Are you overthinking (and overthinking some more)?

Do you scrutinize yourself and others with judgment? Are you searching for perfection?

When things seem to be going really well in your life, when you are experiencing true success, do you suddenly get this overwhelming feeling of anxiety?

These are just a few examples of how big traumas or little “bumps in the road” can disrupt your energy. Our perceived reality is an interpretation based on the layers we have accumulated over time from our past experiences, interactions, and systemic and familial beliefs systems.  

Innermost can guide you to uncover these past experiences and beliefs that lead to harmful habits or disease, and create more conscious awareness to bring you closer to living authentically and intentionally.


A note from our founder